“When you are in touch with the dimension of being within yourself – and being in touch with it is your natural state, not some miraculous achievement – all your actions and relationships will reflect the oneness with all life that you sense deep within. This is love.”
We live in a time of exceptional challenge in all areas of life. The need for individuals, organisations and nations to move towards greater harmony within themselves, with others and the more than human world has perhaps never been greater. Our primary aim is to support these transformations through the programmes and services we offer.
Since 2001 we work in the Sant Aniol valley, a place of great natural beauty and power. Here we facilitate and host diverse groups and programmes that water the seeds of understanding, creativity and joy. Our work inspired more than 10.000 people to explore and discover new ways towards a peaceful and sustainable future.
As qualified guide and group facilitator I draw on over 25 years of experience and have safely led thousands of people through transformative learning adventures.
I am passionate about creating atmospheres and spaces in which people feel at ease, at home and inspired to explore what truly matters to their hearts.
These days I feel most satisfied in my work if the facilitated process, which often blends nature experiences, conversations and guided meditations, can help participants to become inwardly silent, empty and open. It is here, that we really begin to feel, understand and appreciate the completeness and contentment of our natural state of being. The significance of this experience cannot be overestimated as it reaches into all aspects of our life. Hence the statement of Eckhart Tolle above I find deeply meaningful.
I am founder and director of Easy Day. I hold a Masters degree in Sustainability and Business Responsibility from Ashridge Business School and a BSc in Outdoor Education from Edinburgh University. My family and I live in our beloved Sant Aniol valley in Catalunya, Spain.
In 2017 Luciano arrived at Pont de Valenti, and feels at home in these mountains ever since. Here, all the experiences and skills aquired along the way of life have found their purpose: from studying performing arts at University, his love for curating music and dance events, facilitating educational programmes, to being a chef – following in the footsteps of a long family tradition of gastronomy and hospitality.
His artistic work both, as actor and dancer, was always related to body awareness and movement – learning how playful interaction with others allows us to floursih in dance and song naturally.
As a lover of this valley, its silence, stability and beauty, is an ever present experience here. Luciano feels grateful to share and accompany people this experiencing here.
One of the first places that really amazed me in Catalonia was the route from Sadernes to Sant Aniol. The Café en route at Pont d’en Valenti inspired my steps and now finds me between contemplation, rhythm and the adventure of living.
I have been practicing yoga for years and I am passionate about percussion, but above all, the alchemy in the kitchen, trying to bring nutrition to nourish body and soul. I got to know this project by returning here over again, first as a friend and spontaneous collaborator, now as a cook and part of the Easy Day Team.
We apply a comprehensive Safety and Risk Management policy. Our operational backbone is an impeccable safety record and 18 years of experience in safely guiding thousands of participants through learning adventures.
• Spain: IESE & EADA Business School • Belgium: Artevelde Hoogeschool, University of Gent, Kessels & Smit, PXL, UCLL, Flowtrack • Netherlands: Fontys University, SPECO • Germany: Voyage Gruppenreisen, EADS • UK: Findhorn Foundation, Way of Nature, Regents Business School, Artemis Foundation
Drawing widely on academic research and best practice in the fields of outdoor education, coaching, positive psychology and organisational learning, our approach is unique and internationally recognised. We put greatest care into every detail of our work. Many clients, partner and staff remain with us for years, which speaks for itself.
©EASY-DAY 2017-2025
Web Design by Xesco Pastor